Wild Fruit Organic


Boost your immune system, aid weight loss, reduce joint pain, support healthy-looking skin, and protect against heart disease and type 2 diabetes due to the rose hip in this tea but those are not the only benefits of this tea.

Due to the blackberry leaves but also the elderberry that are used traditionally for a sore throat it also helps with sore gums or mouth ulcers, lower blood sugar by stimulating glucose metabolism.

It’s good to have on hand in the cupboard for the cold season, well… if it lasts so long as it is a great treat for kids with no artificial additives or sugars.

Certified organic

How to prepare:

quantity: 15 – 20g/l (approx. one teaspoon per cup)

temperature: 100 C

brewing time: 10 to 12 minutes

Multiple infusion: no

Food pairing: complex desserts, cakes and dark chocolate
