Sewpur Assam Second Flush TGFOP Organic


This Assam Sewpur black tea is rich in flavors, the bright copper-tinted infusion is full-bodied with a sublime aroma.

Our Assam black tea is a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immune-modulator. It is cultivated on the famous Sewpur organic plantation and is harvested during the ideal harvest time, the second flush, which begins in May.

Our tea has secured one of the superior quality grade Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe (TGFOP). Can’t not love it with a splash of milk

Certified organic.

How to prepare:

quantity: 12 g/l (approx. 2g per cup)

temperature: 100 C

brewing time: 3 to 5 minutes

Multiple infusion: Can hold a second infusion

Food pairing: hearty foods, breakfast foods, chocolate, custard or lemon desserts. You will find ham and mustard perfectly compliment this tea

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