Rose Hip Peels


While rose hip is often considered a good source of vitamin C, the processing and drying of the plant actually destroys part of it.

People use rose hip for osteoarthritis and pain after surgery.

The phenolic content of rosehip peel tea is high and have been shown to be great for improving immunity, boosting heart health, lower blood sugar, weight loss, and skin aging. It has a delicate, floral flavor that’s slightly sweet with a distinct tart aftertaste.

Certified organic

How to prepare:

quantity: 1 teaspoon per cup

temperature: 100 C

brewing time: 1- 15 minutes

Multiple infusion: no

Food pairing: Rosehips Peel is used for herbal teas, jam, jelly, syrup, rose hip soup, beverages, pies, bread, wine, and marmalade. They can also be eaten raw.
