Mamma Mia


A perfectly composed mixture with a rich set of vitamins that strengthens the body’s immunity and vitality.

Exciting and refreshing with a festive aroma.

Due to it’s components, especially the lemongrass, this tea has anxiety-reducing properties, boosts oral health, lowers the levels of bad cholesterol and relieves bloating.

The chamomile in this great tea can be of help in treating digestive issues, such as irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, and colic. Chamomile also has anticancer properties

A cup of this tea before going to bed will help you get a good sleep

Great treat for kids.

Certified organic

How to prepare:

quantity: 1 teaspoon per cup

temperature: 95 – 98 C

brewing time: 5 to 8 minutes

Multiple infusion: no

Food pairing: perfect for complex desserts, cakes and dark chocolate
