Organic Brahmi Powder


Brahmi powder (Bacopa Monnieri) is also known as water hyssop, little fat leaf, navel weed or memory plant. The plant is originally native to South and Southeast Asia, including India, Nepal and Vietnam, where it prefers to spread in wetlands.

Brahmi powder organic (derived from the name of Brahma, the creator God of the Hindu pantheon) is known for its ability to enhance cognitive function, including memory, learning, and attention span. It may also help to improve mood and reduce stress. Taking Brahmi powder along with milk helps improve brain functions by preventing brain cell damage caused by free radicals due to its antioxidant property.

Brahmi Powder is also often used in Ayurvedic hair care formulations as it can help to strengthen hair follicles, prevent hair loss, and promote hair growth.

Suggested Use:
0.5g (½ teaspoon) with warm water or milk and honey, once or twice daily, or as directed by your health
